Monday, February 23, 2009

You Say You Want....

"When the revolution comes, you'll be first up against the wall."

This is a key example of phrase misuse. First, this has been applied to so many people, and groups of people, that when the revolution finally gets here it'll be more on the scale of an apocalypse, wiping out everyone. The only groups safe from this threat, so far, have been the Amish and the Nazis. The Amish, since no one had any qualms with their lifestyle, and the Nazis because everyone assumes it had already been said.

That, and the ironic implications. Which leads to my further concern of this phrase misuse. Whose in charge of this revolution, anyway? The nay-sayer who wishes your execution? Apparently not. They're too busy beating up on anyone with different opinions to successfully organize a mass of humanity. The government? Why would those in power start a revolution?

Obviously the revolution is going to started by a bunch of outcasts who aren't too busy being cynical and yet embracing enough to include foreign opinions while marshaling support for a violent struggle against near everyone in the world.

I'm not sure if that means the revolution will never happen, or is right around the corner. Either way, called it.

A Kiwi acquaintance of mine was once mortified by my teacher's use of the phrase 'There's more than one way to skin a cat.' His response, I will always remember, ''More than one way to skin a cat'? What Nazi thought that one up?!'

(Okay, I realize that the continuing use of the term 'Nazi' is nearing gratuity. I am also fully aware that I wrote a column on how the gratuity of the term is a shortcoming of horrible losers with no life and only the lamest ambitions. This is, somehow, not my fault, and further, for other reasons, I am exempt from my own nay-saying and wisdom. Like Clytemnestra.)

To grant the New Zealander a point, though, one must wonder where such a morbid phrase arose. Answer (according to the infallible internet): Mark Twain. Sick bastard.

Let's get back to phrase misuse. Howabout 'For the lulz'? I think I'm fairly sick of this one. To take corruptions in typing and to speak them in company, well, I lose respect. The whole crossover of internet memes into reality is a horrid development. Ever since it became acceptable to say 'lol' the crossover trend has gotten dangerous. Soon people will begin saying 'wtf'. You just wait and see.

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