Friday, March 14, 2014

National Medal of the Arts 2013?

Back in 2012 I made a plea for certain artists to be given the National Medal of Arts who had been overlooked, (updated for age):

Sid Caesar, Television pioneer and comedian (deceased)
Gary Snyder, Poet (83 years old)
Toni Morrison, Novelist (83 years old)
Gordon Willis, Cinematographer (82 years old)
Oscar de la Renta, Fashion designer (81 years old)
Wayne Shorter, Jazz saxophonist (80 years old)
Philip Glass, Composer (77 years old)
Carollee Schneemann, Performance artist (74 years old)
Liza Minnelli, Actress and singer (68 years old)
Annie Leibovitz, Photographer (64 years old)

Of course, since then Sid Caesar has passed away, with his highest honor being Lifetime Achievement granted not by the Kennedy Center or Oval Office, but the British  Comedy Awards.

To round it out to ten, I'd add the following:

Mort Sahl, Pioneer stand-up comedian (86)

Let's see if anything happens.

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