Tuesday, March 27, 2012

American Peace Prize Winner States

Some states have all the fun. When it comes to the Nobel Peace Prize the following states are the most-honoured:

New York - Teddy Roosevelt (1906), Elihu Root (1912), Frank Kellogg (1929), John Mott (1946)
Virginia - Woodrow Wilson (1919), Al Gore (Washington, D.C.) (2007)
Georgia - Martin Luther King Jr (1964), Jimmy Carter (2002)
Ohio - Charles Dawes (1925)
Illinois - Jane Addams (1931)
New Jersey - Nicholas Butler (1931)
Tennessee - Cordell Hull (1945)
Massachusetts - Emily Balch (1946)
Michigan - Ralph Bunche (1950)
Pennsylvania - George Marshall (1953)
Oregon - Linus Pauling (1962)
Iowa - Norman Borlaug (1970)
Vermont - Jody Williams (1997)
Hawaii - Barack Obama (2009)

Two other Americans won it - Henry Kissinger (1973), born in Germany and Elie Wiesel (1986), born in Romania. Likewise two american organizations have won it - The American Friends Service Committee (1947), based in Pennsylvania, and the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (1985), headquartered in the U.S. in Massachusetts.

Canada? Two winners.

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