Wednesday, March 1, 2023

NaNoReMo 2023!

Many moons ago, the incredibly talented and award-winning John Wiswell came up with the idea that March should be NaNoReMo: National Novel Reading Month. You set aside March and finally tackle that novel you've always meant to get around to, or that has been sitting on your shelf the longest, the classic author you're supposed to have read... For over a decade I've used NaNoReMo to chip away at classic texts, often discovering treasures when doing so.

This year, my pick is not a new author for me, but a work which was never quite high enough on my list to warrant reading. I'd enjoyed Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, but hadn't cracked open any of her other works. So, this March, I am finally going to read Emma, which has the distinction of being the oldest book on my to-be-read shelf. (Actually, I'm quite chuffed to say, it's now only a half to-be-read shelf - progress!)

What novels or authors are you finally going to read?

I mean, do I have to read the book when I've already seen the movie? (Yes. Yes I do.)

1 comment:

Jessica said...